Donor Story – Chris Holtam

Donor Story – Chris Holtam

Chris Holtom, Chair, Planned Giving Committee, KGHF Board Member

In her 12 years as a Kelowna resident, Chris Holtom became one of the founding members of the KGH Foundation Planned Giving Committee, a KGH Board Member and now she has made the commitment to leave her legacy to the KGHF.

Now located in Calgary, AB, the director for Shaw TV Programming for Shaw Communications found it easier to make the leap from regular donor to legacy when her husband became ill.

“My husband had a history of illness culminating in a lengthy stay in St. Joseph’s in London, Ontario,” says Chris. “He was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease there.”

After this bout of sickness, the Holtoms moved to Kelowna in 2001 for a change in lifestyle. Soon after, Chris met Grant Steven who invited her to a group of ‘like minded’ individuals.

“We formed the first ever KGHF Planned Giving Committee and in our first year succeeded expectations at all levels,” says Chris.

During her time as an active member of the KGHF Planned Giving Committee, Holtom’s husband fell sick again in 2006 and became a patient of KGH for several months.

“He received some great care and attention…We are truly thankful for those special individuals who went above and beyond to help us when we were at our very lowest points,” says Chris.

Appreciative of the treatment her husband received while at KGH, Chris decided to join the KGH board as well as support the Foundation through a legacy donation.

“My family is blessed that my husband is still with us, thanks to the exceptional care and support from the KGH staff. The (legacy donation) is my way of giving back,” says Chris.

“It’s important to give whatever you can.

“We are not all millionaires with unlimited funds at our disposal but every dollar that we leave to the hospital, especially unsecured funds, can make an incredible difference.”

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