KGH Day of Giving Raises Over $927K

Community generosity knows no boundaries supporting Cancer Care at KGH with over $927K

KELOWNA, BC, May 16, 2024“Every gift helps. And every gift is a building block supporting better cancer care here at KGH and in our community.”
Allison Young, CEO, KGH Foundation.

Yesterday, on the eighth annual KGH Day of Giving, the one-day call to action that ran from 6 a.m. – 6 p.m., all those gifts—those building blocks of enhanced care—added up to $927,707.07.

Debbie Robert, a dear friend of the KGH Foundation, who lost her husband Leo to cancer last year, was on site to share her reasons for supporting the cause on this KGH Day of Giving.

“A cancer diagnosis is unnerving,” says Debbie. “It just pulls the rug out from underneath you. But as we continue to advance cancer care here at KGH and in our community through initiatives like the KGH Day of Giving, we can have the peace of mind in knowing that if this disease touches you or someone you love, you will be under the best care, close to home.”

Debbie, along with hundreds of generous community members in the Central Okanagan, stepped up to support advancements in Cancer Care at KGH in the areas of medical imaging, pathology, surgical oncology and innovation. Thanks to six generous, local families, all gifts were matched up until midnight.

“The generosity and support of this community never ceases to amaze me,” says Allison Young, CEO of the KGH Foundation. “It is so heartwarming to put out the call for support and to have so many people and local businesses answer with a resounding – yes, we’ll help, whether that’s through a monetary gift, a gift of time, or a gift of story. We are so grateful for the support, and so are our health care staff at KGH.”

Lindsay Taberner, Executive Director of Clinical Operations for KGH echoes Allison’s words. “What the KGH Foundation and the community is supporting here makes me so excited for the future,” says Lindsay. “It supports our ability to come together and bring forward new ideas and plans to facilitate real change that has an impact for cancer care patients now and into the future. It is both incredibly touching and exciting.”

This year, in addition to their exuberant cheering to hustle up change from passing vehicles, the Sprott-Shaw Change Bandits brought their mascot, Sprotty the Bear, to the party. Other familiar faces dropped by in support of the KGH Day of Giving including KGH Foundation Vice-Chair, Janine Karlsen, KGH Foundation board director, Manik Dhir, and Kelowna city councillor Maxine DeHart.

The dedicated management teams from local Save-On-Foods stores were also on site with a prize wheel in the lobby of the hospital and a fundraising BBQ in the KGH Courtyard.

“Many of our team members have lost people to cancer,” explains Scott Nazaruk, Orchard Plaza Save-On-Foods Manager. “It is something that affects every single one of us so we hope that by giving back a little bit, it makes a difference for our community.”


One of the Cancer Care at KGH campaign taglines is This journey needs all of us. And on KGH Day of Giving, that sentiment echoed throughout the day.

Like when the owners and team members of the five different Pita Pit locations showed up with $10,000, having set a goal to raise $2,500. Or when local realtor, Darcy Nyrose, called on other realtors and clients to support the cause, offering to match with $5,000 and raised over $10,000. Or when a woman that Phil Johnson from AM1150 met outside the station as he made his way to the hospital to host his show live on location for Day of Giving, gave him $25 and said, “This is what I have to give and I want it to go to Cancer Care at KGH.”

Since its inception eight years ago, now including today’s total, KGH Day of Giving has raised over $5.4 million in support of Kelowna General Hospital and community health care initiatives such as Foundry Kelowna, JoeAnna’s House and the acquisition of a 3T MRI for KGH. The ongoing success of the annual fundraiser is a testament to the care, enthusiasm and generosity of the community, businesses and frontline caregivers to come together in support of a shared goal. 

As Debbie Robert says, “Cancer is that culprit that always colours outside of the lines—it knows no boundaries.”

But thankfully, it is clear that the generosity of this community, in support of KGH Day of Giving and advancements in Cancer Care close to home, knows no boundaries either.

The KGH Foundation thanks its hourly KGH Day of Giving corporate sponsors, Sandrine, Sprott Shaw College, ReMax Kelowna’s Darcy Nyrose, Kelowna Pita Pit locations, Save-On-Foods and Urban Fare, Tim Hortons and the Rotary Club of Kelowna Okanagan Mission, for their support.

The KGH Foundation is also grateful for the continued support and partnership of the local Bell Media radio stations – Virgin 99.9, MOVE 101.5 and AM 1150 – the on-air personalities, producers and promotions teams for their critical role in the success of the Day of Giving fundraising effort.

Since 1978, the KGH Foundation has worked with a generous community to raise funds to support world-class healthcare close to home for a growing and diverse population in the interior of B.C. Today, the KGH Foundation is the lead fundraising organization for Kelowna General Hospital and its associated facilities, JoeAnna’s House, and Central Okanagan Hospice House.

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