Stride & Glide for KGH
February 12th and 13th, 2022
The Kelowna Nordic Ski & Snowshoe Club is bringing back Stride & Glide for a second annual iteration, after an incredibly successful inaugural event, raising over $50,000 for advanced stroke care in our region! This year, the event will raise funds for cardiac care.
Registration is $20 (for both days) and is now open!
*Please note, there is an additional trail fee for non-members.
Saturday, February 12, 2022
4:30 to 6:00 PM: Hot Apple Cider Tasting from Wards Cider.
6:00 – 7:30 PM: Moonlight ski or snowshoe led by Kelowna Nordic members.
Sunday, February 13, 2022 (main event)
9:00 AM: Registration and package pickup
Noon to 2 PM: Lunch at Main Cabin, Bratwurst and Beer.
12:30 PM: Prizes draw for all the fundraisers, top teams and top fundraisers.
New this year, we have added a moonlight ski (or snowshoe) on the Saturday evening with a hot apple cider tasting. Join members and friends for a relaxing tour in the moonlight! The main event will be held on Sunday, February 13th with a staggered start of groups doing various distances between (6, 14, & 30km – the 30km route is just doing the 15 km route twice). Maps will be available for both days in addition to snowshoe routes for those interested in snowshoeing! After the main event, there will be a wrap-up celebration from 12 PM to 2 PM, including prize giveaways, bratwurst and beers!
In addition, the club is offering prizes for everyone who raises over $100 (Sparkling Hill has even offered a premium two nights stay as a prize)! To get started, click the ‘Fundraise’ link below and select, ‘Create a fundraising page’. You can either set up your own fundraising page or start a team! You don’t want to miss out – the prize line-up last year was phenomenal!
For more information about the event, please contact Lyle Nicholson (event organizer).